Nano Keyer

I recently purchased a Nano Keyer from Alibaba. It cost me around US$50 and was delivered after around 25 days from purchase in Vietnam.

It is cheaper than a Winkeyer or Microham devices which also include a Winkeyer.

After unpacking it I installed it, it is pretty straight forward. One USB-C connected to the computer and the jack 3.5 from the Nano Keyer to the Key plug of the radio and finally my Begali Sculpture plugged into the Nano Keyer.

To change the settings of the Nano Keyer it is a bit painful as we need to pass commands with the cw keyer but once understood it works well.

The only thing which bothers me a little is that the side tone is not really strong thus if a bit of noise around it is hard to hear the side tone. Anyway for the price it works quite well and is also having a very small foot print.

Happy with the purchase and using it quite often, for portable operation it will also be very easily transportable thus I recommend for the ones who want to operate portable with such a device.

I had no issues at all to connect to it with Log4OM, N1MM as well as Cloudlog but Cloudlog is still having bugs with the Winkeyer so it is not really usable.

The change of speed directly from Log4OM or N1MM works also very well.

Hermes Lite 2

First of all let me say that I have two Hermes Lite 2, one which is used in reception only as a skimmer for F8 / FT4 / WSPR / CW.

Hermes Lite 2 is a QRP SDR which output 5 watts. It is very affordable with the main board adding also the filter board and the aluminum case you may be looking at around USD 400.

I usually use it with Thetis and the NR as well as NR2 are very very good.

One of the Hermes Lite 2 is having the normal firmware which gives you 4 slices and the TX while my second Hermes Lite 2 uses the firmware for having 10 RX slices and no TX, this one is used with CWSL Digi as well as the RBN aggregator and CW skimmer server. All of this is running on one virtual Windows 11 machine and spotting around 20,000 spots a day.

Here are some pics of the two Hermes Lite 2.