Finally back on air

Finally after such a long time I am able to go back on the air.

Indeed, I ordered a Baby Loop from Ciro Mazzoni more than a year ago but it could be sent only to France.

It took a very long time for me to find a way to ship it from France to Vietnam.

Due to covid situation the shipping costs were also very high.

Since 1st June I am active on the air.

My working conditions are quite modest as the Baby Loop, despite the fact it is a good antenna, will not allow me to be heard the same way I was with my Optibeam OB9-5 from Thailand.

Mainly active on FT8 for the time being and starting all DXCC from scratch.

I will confirm QSL only through Lotw and probably

I do not think I will print a QSL card this time unless some people request it.

Hope to catch you on the air in FT8, CW or SSB.

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