QSL Cards

I have asked ON5UR to design and print my QSL cards.

I have been very happy with his services and professionalism so far. He did my qsl cards for XV2A activity as well as HS0ZLE, F4BPO and now XV9BPO.

You can find below all the QSLs.

Max has a huge gallery of QSL cards he has designed and printed for Ham Radio operators.

You can check out his website at ON5UR.

I remind you that my QSL manager for XV9BPO is EA5GL Pedro.

Poor Propagation

It is very difficult to work European stations in SSB due to my poor working conditions.

I am currently mainly using the inverted V dipole as it is the one giving the best results both in rx and tx.

I had a good opening on 7th September and I could log 94 stations on 20M.

Hope to work more SSB in the coming weeks.


Following our vacation in France in July 2022 I was able to buy some Ham Radio stuff and bring it back with me. I bought two dipoles and a SunSDR2 DX as well as a DX Commander Classic.

I did put up the dipole on a Spiderbeam Fiberglass pole of 12m and mounted the DX Commander Classic in the garden.

The station is now looking as per the below picture