Baby Loop Antenna

I purchased a Baby Loop Antenna from Ciro Mazzoni in Italy a few years ago.

The antenna was sent to France as it could not be delivered in Vietnam due to prohibitive shipping cost during Covid period.

It took me 1.5 year to get it back to Ho Chi Minh City as I needed to wait for shipping prices to be more reasonable.

I have installed the Baby Loop Antenna in the garden here downtown Ho Chi Minh City.

Here are a few photos.

For the time being I am still trying to find the right place for the antenna, unfortunately I do not have many options.

Sometimes I get very high SWR depending on the heading of the antenna or where it is in the garden. For example, I tend to have higher SWR when it is on a sloping ground.

Finally back on air

Finally after such a long time I am able to go back on the air.

Indeed, I ordered a Baby Loop from Ciro Mazzoni more than a year ago but it could be sent only to France.

It took a very long time for me to find a way to ship it from France to Vietnam.

Due to covid situation the shipping costs were also very high.

Since 1st June I am active on the air.

My working conditions are quite modest as the Baby Loop, despite the fact it is a good antenna, will not allow me to be heard the same way I was with my Optibeam OB9-5 from Thailand.

Mainly active on FT8 for the time being and starting all DXCC from scratch.

I will confirm QSL only through Lotw and probably

I do not think I will print a QSL card this time unless some people request it.

Hope to catch you on the air in FT8, CW or SSB.